“Can’t someone invent something
for us men to marry other than women?”
Those were words from Fred
Flintstone after a particularly frustrating episode with his wife.
They say women are from Venus and
men from Mars. This is in apparent reference to the fact that we can never
quite understand what is going on in the minds of our female companions. The
advantage though of having female friends though is that they talk. A whole
lot. The things women share are scary. Absolutely terrifying. But that’s a
story for another blogpost. Suffice to say that while a guy will shorten a
sexual experience to “I hit that!” the woman has broken it down to her friends
in terms of size, shape, length, girth, direction of lean etc etc. The caveat
though is that this is very general or I have very slutty female friends. Hehe.

So I decided to look at the
opposite side of the penny. A woman’s perspective on the idea of the first
date. And the stories I got were hilarious. So I figured maybe I would try to
help out both sides of the divide by sharing the mistakes guys make during
those first dates. The question I posed was simple enough. What do guys wrong
during the first date? These are some of the responses.
The overtly sexual guy.This the guy who shows up on the first date
and already has a nickname for the chic’s boobs. Hey the twins are looking good today. He is the dude who will
linger too long on rubbing the shoulders or slip his tongue in her ear when
he’s kissing her good night. Sure there might be some good sexual tension but
that doesn’t mean you should slip into the chic’s car at the end of the date
and growl about how you must simply touch her. That’s rape territory buddy.